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  • Mel

ASS#2 Step 7 - 10 (DRAFT)

Hi Everyone!

Long time (feels like) no post! How time is flying at the end of the term, I wish things could slow down a little so I could catch my breath!

Please find my draft assignment 2 steps 7 - 10 (minus step 9-10!)

I am having some trouble with my debt/ equity ratio showing a figure over 100% for 2019 and 2018 and I have been racking my brain trying to work out why.. if you have any suggestions I would be FOREVER greatful.

Any who! Take a look and let me know what you think - I still have a bit of work to put into it but any feedback would be amazing.


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Oct 09, 2020

Hello! I have been reading through your draft and saw that you have also experienced a change from NFO to NFA! I thought I was the only one! Its been tripping up my ratios as well.

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